
❤ Q&A With Amanda Hocking; Author of The Kanin Series❤

Hey Guys!

Today, I have a special blog post and it is an interview with the one and only; Amanda Hocking! Amanda has written many young-adult book series, many of which you may have heard of- Trylle, Switched and Kanin. 

Renowned for her fantasy and adventure novels, Amanda Hocking recently released the final book in her much loved, Kanin Series. It is called, Crystal Kingdom and if you have been on my blog, a lot, you may have noticed my new developed love for this awesome series! I am not even joking- you really need to pick-up this series right now and clear some time because you are not going to be able to put it down!

Here is my interview with Amanda Hocking:

1)   Out of all the series you have written- Kanin, Watersong and Trylle, which one did you, have the most fun writing? Which series did connect and relate the most to?
I enjoyed writing each of them for different reasons. I think that I probably had the most fun writing Switched, the first book in the Trylle, but I did also really have a lot of fun writing the last two books in the Kanin Chronicles, and the final book in Watersong.

2)    Which character out of all the books you have read, do you relate most to?
That’s hard to say. I feel like I really relate to Courtney Summers’ main characters, particularly Parker Fadley, although I’ve never been a popular girl or part of a cool clique or brave enough to say how I really feel. But I guess I relate to her inner monologue.

3)     When in your life did you decide you were going to become an author and how did you react when you discovered your novels were huge successes?
I decided I was going to be an author as soon as I found that it was an option. Even when I was very young, like two or three, I was constantly telling stories and making my mom or grandma transcribe them for me. As soon I learned how to write for myself, I was writing stories with the intention of someday being published.

4)      Other than writing, what are some other things do you love doing in your spare time?
I read a lot, in all different kinds of genres. I’m a huge movie buff, particularly 80s movies. I play video games. I spend time hanging out my friends, family, and pets. Not very exciting stuff. I’m a homebody.

5)      Writing and publishing a book must be one thrilling ride, what was your most exciting and weirdest experience or memory?
The whole thing was surreal. I wanted to be an author for so long, and I kept getting nowhere with it. I think this weirdest and most exciting part was just when I was first getting started, and I was getting reviews and emails from people saying that really loved my books. Just knowing that people were reading my books and enjoying them, after so long of waiting for it. It felt like it was never really going to happen, and then it was happening. 
FotorCreatedWould you rather read only five books a year and remember everything or read 100 books a year but forget everything?
Read five books – it’s the memory that makes it worth reading.

Would you rather read your top ten books over and over again or always read new books that you haven’t read before?
New books, but it would be tough not being able to reread my favourites.

Would you rather be trapped in a bookstore for your whole life or spend your whole life reading non-stop?
Trapped in a bookstore. I could still read a lot, but I’d be able to do things like sleep and eat too 😉


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