
#mythoughtson… The New Mortal Instruments Covers

Hiya!!!! If you didn’t already The Mortal Instruments is revamping their covers, to a completely different set of covers. The covers were designed by Cliff Nielson, who also designed the current covers. The new covers of the novel will include Shadowhunter maps and each cover will display one of the main characters (So like, Clary, Jace, Simon and Isabelle). Now onto #mythoughts:

Okay, first of all, I just want to say I was not a big fan of the current covers, nor am I a big fan of these ones. Some are saying that it’s beautiful and some are saying that it’s not and personality I’m agreeing with the people that are saying “It’s not beautiful,”. The covers look like fan-art and they don’t really look professional enough. I’m not a big fan of the color scheme either. The cover reminds me of the Lux, Vampire Academy and the old Delirium covers, which all aren’t pretty because they have drawings or photos of people. It is really hard to pull off covers with people on it and the only ones I can think of off the top of my head that are actually pretty are The Selection covers.

I think the new The Mortal Instruments (TMI) cover has potential but it needs a bit of fixing up. I recently was on Tumblr and discovered that the German covers of TMI are soooooooooooo pretty:
Like look at how pretty these covers are. I am honestly breathless. I can’t believe these aren’t the American and UK covers.

The covers of The New Mortal Instruments should be a lot more professional. The Eleanor and Park covers are really cool and The Mortal Instruments deserves a beautiful cover.

Here is a fan-made cover designed by Risa Rodil and I absolutely adore this cover:d3891eedbc3e5c17c678cc188594f88c

These were my #mythoughtson… the new Mortal Instruments covers. Comment below telling me if you loved it or if you hated it:


4 thoughts on “#mythoughtson… The New Mortal Instruments Covers

  1. I’m not sure how I feel about the new covers. I don’t think they’re bad, I just don’t like covers with real people on them either; I feel like they take away from your freedom to imagine the characters how you want, which is part of the fun of reading! Anyways, I’ve never seen those German covers before and I’m absolutely in love with them!

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